George Street Playhouse is committed to protecting the privacy of our patrons.

Phone Numbers & Email Addresses

We will not trade or sell your phone number or e-mail address to any other business or organization. We communicate information to our customers by email and phone only regarding George Street Playhouse business.

Mailing Address Information

George Street Playhouse collects mailing address information primarily to inform its patrons about upcoming performances and activities. We may also use our mailing and phone lists to ask for your support of our Annual Fund campaign. We do not rent or sell our mailing lists to commercial businesses. We may occasionally make mailing address information available to other select organizations, including but not limited to non-profit arts organizations, affiliated organizations, or agents working on our behalf. We may also provide aggregated data to these and other organizations.

Opting Out

If you do not wish to receive information from George Street Playhouse, you may opt out at any time by emailing us at You may also call us at: 732-246-7717. Or you may write to us at: George Street Playhouse, P.O.Box 194, New Brunswick,NJ 08901. When you contact us, please let us know if you do not wish to receive mail, phone calls, emails, or have your mailing information traded to other arts or non-profit organizations.


Our website contains links to other websites that we think our patrons may find of interest. George Street Playhouse does not review these websites and is not responsible for their content or their privacy practices.


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